
The Farnesiana is located in the municipality of Allumiere about 7 km from the town and you get there easily by road paved by Allumiere. The first information we have on the site in 1590 when a contractor of alum mines in the town he built a mill on the course of 'water still exists. In the same year came from Rome of secular priests called "Farnese chaplains" from Farnese (a Roman noble family who had also had a PaoloIII Pope (1534-1549)), to manage the mill.


The priests built some houses and a church and since then the place was rightly called "The Farnese." The chaplains Farnese remained in the area until 1753, when the Apostolic Chamber bought the whole property of the chaplains. In the structure remained a priest who officiated the masses and the middle of 'a new church built 800 is still visible in its majesty.

Following the events of 'alum, the property passed to Guglielmi, Civitavecchia noble house, and it is a Guglielmi senator who managed to pass in the area in the twenties the railroad Civitavecchia - Orte-Capranica, help him to load cattle and other. Hence the station Allumiere. The railroad was abandoned in the sixties. With the 'purchase by Guglielmi, the estate experienced a new impulse and the area was densely populated: in times of harvest is coming to 300 units.